See our website: for technical specifications.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Leather in the mix....

Another new twist on the APRON...... featuring leather detail. Custom made for the client.
The point of difference is in the detail.



Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Bring back the Butchers Apron.

A new take on the classic butchers apron... a Robbie Barsman Special and recent hit with retail food.


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Tweaks, turns and the detail

It's not always exciting developing a new shirt, even with the vast amounts of fabric and trims available. Our team at Robbie Barsman are constantly developing and evolving the range offering to provide customers with the look, edge and uniqueness they require in their presentation. With a few simple ideas and inexpensive tweaks, we are able to achieve a look that is totally customized for both men and women shirting.

Here are just some of the recent works we have completed .